Ann M. Seller

Admitted to Practice

  • State of Ohio (2012)
  • Commonwealth of Kentucky (2022)


  • B.A., DePauw University (2006)
  • M.Sc., London School of Economics and Political Science (2007)
  • J.D., University of Virginia School of Law (2012)


  • Certified by the Ohio State Bar Association as a Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law

Ann M. Seller

Ann’s work focuses primarily in estate planning and estate and trust administration. Ann works with clients, their families, and their advisors on the transition of wealth over multiple generations in a manner that protects family members but also encourages them to continue the family legacy. As part of her practice, Ann concentrates on aspects of international estate planning including: the creation of wills and trusts for multi-national families, estate and gift tax issues that arise with the ownership of cross border property, and advising clients about the U.S. Expatriation Tax. During her law school career, she externed for the Honorable S. Arthur Spiegel at the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, and participated in the Advocacy for the Elderly clinic through the Legal Aid Justice Center.

Before attending law school, Ann worked at the Greater Ohio Policy Center in Columbus, Ohio.  She has also lived and traveled internationally, including her time in London where she obtained her Masters at the London School of Economics.


Planning for Clients with International Connections 101, 2020 Stock Yards Bank Professional Education, October 2020
Strafford Presentation Form 8854 Exit Tax Calculations and Reporting: Minimizing the IRC 877A Expatriation Tax, October 2017
Estate Planning in the Era of High Federal Exemptions, Probability, and No Ohio Estate Tax-2015 OSBA Convention, Sandusky, Ohio


John L. Campbell and Ann M. Seller have updated the guidebook "United States Estate and Gift Tax - An Overview for Foreigners Investing in the United States" for 2023.

John L. Campbell and Ann M. Seller have updated the guidebook "United States Estate and Gift Tax - An Overview for Foreigners Investing in the United States" for 2021.

Article by Ann M. Seller - The process for obtaining a Transfer Certificate is arduous and often quite expensive. This article provides an overview of the purpose of a Transfer Certificate and the process for obtaining one.